Has it been a while since you have stepped onto your yoga mat? It's never too late to get back on your mat and get into the groove of a regular yoga practice again.
Use these tips to help motivate you back on the mat so you can continue to reap the many wonderful benefits of yoga!
DO get yourself a practice buddy to keep each other motivated. You can encourage each other to get to class or set a day and time to practice together at home. Having someone else to rely on makes it harder to skip your yoga session because you won't want to let them down. Plus, you can go out for a coffee afterwards and use it as "catch-up" time.
DO establish a routine. Set a specific time each day or week for your practice and schedule it into your day. It doesn't have to be a complete session every time; but even just getting on your mat to do breathing exercises or gentle stretches will get you in the habit again. Remember it takes at least 4-6 weeks to get into a habit.
DO explore payment options with your instructor if the cost is keeping you off the mat. Most yoga teachers offer discounts when you buy a multi-class card, or will let you pay in payments. (I do!) Also maybe consider sharing a class card with a friend or partner?
DO commit to a series of classes and pay upfront. Nothing motivates you more than knowing you have already committed and payed for a class.
DO go over all the reasons why you should be doing yoga and remember how good it makes your mind, body, and soul feel.
DON'T set unrealistic goals. If you haven't been practising for a while, you won't be at the same level you were when you stopped your yoga sessions. Be patient, use modifications, and build your way back up.
DON'T worry about what everyone else around you is doing in class. Yoga is a personal journey remember? Don't despair if your practise doesn't take off right away. You will get there!
"Yoga doesn't take time, it gives time" - from Ganga White's book Yoga Beyond Belief