Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAYS 190-194

Days 190-196

This week I chose to do a Moon Sequence every day since my monthly cycle came to visit. Plus I knew I had a crazy week ahead, so it was nice to do more restorative postures to help relieve any aches and pains as well as any stress that might arise.

A moon sequence helps to support a woman during her monthly cycle in many ways. It helps the body rest and restore, and can relieve the pains and symptoms that PMS can bring on.

This was a well deserved and needed week of calming postures and breath.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAYS 183-189

DAYS 183 - 189 - (Week 6)

So last week was very busy for me, so I am compiling my week of posts into ONE.

Week 6 in my book was called Listening Inward. It is all about finding a little time to turn inward to the point where you are fully present in the moment and where all internal movement is as fully observed as external movement is... It focuses on forward bends and restorative poses. The forward bends literally fold you so that your senses (eyes, ears, mouth, and nose) turn toward yourself. They help to allow you to observe what is taking place within your body. Restorative poses help you to observe the sensations of your body without identifying with them. As surface noise begins to quiet, the deep inner workings of your mind, body, and breath become exposed.

This week of forward bends and restorative poses came at a perfect time. My next week is actually even busier, so I am debating whether to repeat this week, or do the Moon practice each day this week as I happened to start my "woman cycle" today! I will decide on Monday... :)


Monday, July 2, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAYS 181 & 182

DAYS 181 & 182 - (Week 5 Days 6&7)

Weekend!! It was a busy weekend for me, as I had some photo shoots and lots of photos to edit. :) This is the best time to rejuvenate my mind and body with rest, breath, and meditation!

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 180

DAY 180 - (Week 5 Day 5)

Today is attempting full Handstand and Shoulderstand in a sequence. In the book, we still use the wall as support for Handstand, but I tried a few without the wall only because I am experienced with Handstand and feel comfortable. I can generally only stay in it a few seconds without a wall, but I love to try it!

Yoga Every Day for a Year - DAY 179

DAY 179 - (Week 5 DAY 4)

Learning Handstand and Plow Pose. More of handstand prep (up against a wall). If you aren't comfortable in full handstand, then it is always good to keep using a wall for support. Plow is a good preliminary pose to help learn Shoulderstand.

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 178

DAY 178 - (Week 5 DAY 3)

Learning Volcano Pose and Wall Shoulderstand. I'm sure you have heard me talk about this before, but Shoulderstand is probably one of the most beneficial poses in yoga. This step by step process helps those who may be uneasy or confused about the posture. It's a personal favorite posture of mine! :)

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 177

DAY 177 - (Week 5 Day 2)

Learning Reclined Mountain and Handstand Preparation! Fun Fun!!