Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 31

DAY 31- I'm feeling a little better today, well... I can at least breath through my nose! I wasn't up to doing any asana (postures) today and just wanted to do my own thing, which was mainly pranayama (breathing) and savasana (relaxation).

I grabbed my Vicks Baby Rub (a combination of lavender oil, eucalyptus oil, and rosemary oil) and rubbed it into my neck, behind my ears, and on my chest. This helped to clear my nose and relax me. Then I turned on my Nature Sounds to "Australian Beach", an App on my iphone. I started in cross-legged pose, closed my eyes, and tuned into my breathing. I did some simple belly breathing and alternate nostril breathing. Next came a cross-legged forward fold with my forehead on the mat. The pressure of my head on the mat helped my sinuses. I didn't want to move from here, so I stayed here about 5 minutes. After this I covered myself with a blanket, put my flax seed eye pillow on my eyes and went straight to savasana. My own little sanctuary... Ahhh BLISS!!! I stayed here until my son woke up (maybe 20 minutes). This was much needed "me time!"

Monday, January 30, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 30

DAY 30 - I feel like a train hit me today! My son caught a cold over the weekend and now I have it. I can't breathe, my head hurts, and I have a slight fever... So now what to do about Yoga? Who wants to do Yoga when you feel like this!? I Googled "Yoga for a cold," and found an article from Yoga Journal called Feel Better with 6 poses to do when you feel sick.

First the article tells you to wrap your head with an ace bandage, which I did not have. I used a scarf instead, which I had to double around my head and tie in the front. I looked a little ridiculous! Even my 6 month old son was laughing at the fringes in front of my head. Anyway, I kept it on the whole time and the pressure did help my head feel a bit better while it was on. I did the 6 poses and stayed in them a few minutes each. The sequence helped me to take some time out for myself and I know it is a small step closer to helping me to feel better.

If you get sick this Winter, be strong and try a Yoga sequence to help you to feel better!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 29

DAY 29 - YJ Challenge Day 21!! Last Day of the Yoga Journal Challenge!! I'm SO glad I followed through with this because the videos were awesome and I got a lot of great sequence ideas. I will go back and do some of these again for sure. I liked having a chosen video to do each day so I didn't have to think about picking one; but on the other hand there were some days where I didn't feel up to a specific sequence. Overall it was really good and I would highly recommend giving it a try!

A few things I learned from the Yoga Journal Challenge: 1) I don't have to do an hour or more of Yoga a day to reap the many benefits of Yoga. Many of the videos we did were only 20-30 minutes long. This is a more realistic amount of time for yoga everyday, especially for a busy mom like me! 2) It's ok to slow down and do simple, basic sequences. This can help me keep my "beginners mind" and make sure I am doing a pose correctly. 3) Make sure I do a gentle and relaxing sequence a couple times a week, or just simply sit and breath or meditate. This will ensure that I am getting some "rest" during my year of yoga. 4) Lots of new ideas for poses and sequences!

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 28

DAY 28 - YJ Challenge Day 20- A late night practice tonight with Jason Crandell's Arm Balance sequence again. This sequence prepares you for Crane pose by deeply opening your hips, warming up the arms and activating the abs. I did this sequence last week and enjoyed it even more tonight. I'm definitely feeling more open and stronger after almost a month of yoga. One more day of the YJ Challenge. I can't believe how fast the 3 weeks went!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 27

DAY 27 - YJ Challenge Day 19 - Happy Friday!! A nice and gentle Shoulder Opening sequence for the end of the work week. A perfect way to let go and relax from a busy week and get refreshed for the weekend. I started swimming again this week, so I was happy to release some shoulder tension. Plus I always welcome arm stretches from carrying around my little man.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 26

DAY 26 - YJ Challenge Day 18 - I didn't get around to yoga until almost 7pm tonight, so I was feeling a little sluggish once I did. It was one of those nights where I wish I could pick my sequence instead of doing the chosen YJ sequence. If there wasn't 3 days left of the challenge, then I would probably have switched the class tonight.

The YJ sequence tonight was a "lead up" sequence to Wheel Pose. Once I was half way through the sequence, I really wished I had done a different sequence tonight. I just wasn't up to this type of class today. I needed a relaxing evening sequence to ease my soul instead.

We did many sun salutations, with an emphasis on Cobra, Upward Facing Dog, and Locust. These are all gentle backbends to warm up the back for the more intense backbend, Wheel. I can do wheel fairly easy and normally welcome it, but I started getting a little headache. That was my cue that it was time to finish up. I went down into Child's Pose for 5 minutes, then called it a night. ALWAYS listen to your body!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 25

DAY 25! YJ Challenge Day 17 - I'm feeling more rested today. How I sleep depends on how my son sleeps at the moment... Since I felt better today, I started the day off with a run! I joined the gym the other day and now I can run indoors, go swimming, and take classes. I am eager to try the yoga classes of course!

After my run I felt energized and warmed up, so as soon as I arrived home I did my YJ video. (It helped that my son fell asleep on the way home). The sequence was Backbends: the one I skipped yesterday. We did this same sequence last week, so I was familiar with it already. It was nice doing yoga after my run because I felt even more excited about it. You know how it goes when you haven't done any exercises for the day yet, or just woke can be harder to get motivated. The Backbends felt great today, but I really really really enjoyed resting at the end!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 24

DAY 24- YJ Challenge Day 16 - Sometimes you just feel exhausted, and this is one of those days for me! I am so tired after a long night with my baby waking up at least every hour. Then I am feeling sore from the last couple days of more vigorous yoga sequences. With that being said, I just didn't feel up to the Back bend sequence that I was supposed to do today. I back tracked to one of the gentle evening sequences and did that instead. So tonight my sequence consisted of all reclined stretches and twists, pranayama, and savasana. Ahhhh now I'm ready for bed!! There is always tomorrow for back bends...

Monday, January 23, 2012

DAY 23 - Day 15 of YJ Challenge - It's the last week of the YJ 21 day Challenge. The sequences have been getting increasingly more challenging, and with only a few days of repeat classes. I really enjoy the sequences that have a certain "focus" and YJ is great at creating them.

The sequence today was a "lead up" sequence to Hanumanasana, or Splits. I don't often do the splits in my own yoga practice, but I have done many of the poses that we did today to lead up to splits. I'm not really sure why I never continue and go all the way into splits, but I guess it's because I usually forget about it as a yoga pose. I'm glad we did this sequence today because from now on I will continue to add the splits into my practice. I can go fairly deep into them, so why not do them! It's a great way to open the hamstrings and calf muscles.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 22

DAY 22 - Day 14 of YJ Challenge - After an icy, rainy and cold weekend, I was in much need of the invigorating and heat building sequence today. It was the most active sequence I have done so far in this challenge and it really got my heart pumping. The instructor had us doing a Mandala Namaskar, which is a circular Vinyasa flow. I have often used these in some of my own classes when I want to give my students a bit of a cardio workout. I love them! They are playful, fun, and challenging. This sequence was just what the Yoga Doctor ordered today! Thanks Yoga Journal for another excellent class!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 21

DAY 21 - Day 13 of YJ Challenge- Some people believe that it takes 21 days to form a regular habit. Today is my 21st day, and doing yoga everyday has become a part of my regular daily routine. I do really look forward to my "yoga time" every day and in what ever form it comes in. Whether it is only 15 mins long, with my son joining in, or during my son's nap; I am happy to explore my new yoga journey.

The YJ video today was a sequence to build up to Bakasana, or an arm balance also known as Crane. Jason Crandell took us through a lead up sequence that opened up the hips, shoulders, and upper back. All of these areas are strongly used in Bakasana are important to be warmed up in order to effectively do Crane. I have always enjoyed doing this arm balance and really liked the sequence we did to prepare for it today.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 20

DAY 20 - Day 12 of the YJ Challenge - Happy Friday! I managed to finish yesterday's sequence and I am glad I did! What a lovely sequence. I will repeat this one many times for my own practice as well as use some ideas for my classes. The instructor, Elise Lorimer, is excellent! She reminds you to always trust your body in each movement and pose, which allows you to experiment and possibly even go a little deeper than you normally would.

I didn't get around to doing the sequence that was meant for today. Hopefully I will catch up this weekend as I will have more time while the hubby is around! ;-)

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 19

DAY 19 - Day 11 of YJ Challenge - Half way done with the YJ Challenge! I am really enjoying it and love receiving the daily emails. Plus its great not having to not think about what sequence to do each day. I have been learning a lot from the instructors too!

Today was the first day I was interrupted by my baby during a class. I was doing my yoga during his second nap today, but he woke up when I was only half way through it. I was unable to continue because he was a bit grumpy and then I had to leave the house...the point is, I didn't get to finish today! It's okay because I know there will be days like this. I did get in about 20 minutes, which is fine. If I get a chance today I will try to finish the sequence I started yesterday, as well as do the sequence for today (Friday). Wish me luck! :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 18

DAY 18 - Day 10 of YJ Challenge - Another repeat today of one of the YJ videos. We did the Standing Sequence again, which I really like. One benefit of repeating sequences is that you can go a little deeper into a pose, or focus a little more on that area. I often repeat my favorite sequences, but I also really like to mix it up too. As long as you are getting a good variety of poses and moving the spine in all directions regularly, it doesn't matter if you do the exact same sequence every day.

I'm starting to feel a little stronger each day, and really trying to listen closely to the instructors directions. Their precise cues are important for me to remember the correct way to do a pose as well as learning new things about each pose.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Yoga Everday for a Year - DAY 17

DAY 17 - Day 9 of YJ Challenge - The sequence today is a repeat of last week's Core Focus. I feel really good today, so the Core sequence was very welcome this time. Last week I didn't feel great, so during the sequence I put "half" the effort in and rested a lot in Child's Pose. I actually love core work and usually want to include it in my practice, but ever since my pregnancy I have done very little. I had a C-section, so my abdomen is still sensitive even after nearly 6 months of resting it. Today as I really focused on what I was doing, I could still feel a little soreness. I know it will get better with time and with strengthening it.

I liked this sequence today. It is only about 18 minutes, which is a perfect amount of time to focus on the core area. If it was much longer it can get tiring; plus it is always important to remember that it is the quality of the movement, not the quantity. The instructor had a nice variation of moving in and out of plank pose. This variation really worked my arms as well as my core. This is a great tool for me to use to strengthen my arms too!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 16

DAY 16 - Day 8 of YJ Challenge - The sequence today focused on gentle Shoulder Openers. The whole class was done in a chair, but I chose to sit on my yoga mat instead. This class was very slow and used gentle flowing movements of the arms to release shoulder and neck tension. This is a sequence that can easily be done at work, or sitting just about anywhere.

I found the breathing exercise we began with (sitali) to be beneficial by cooling and relaxing my mind. I then kept my eyes closed for most of the movements. When I finished the video, I still felt some soreness in my shoulders. The movements lubricated the joints and released some tension, but I needed a little more. I continued with an additional shoulder stretch (Eagle Arm stretch) and then in Child's Pose with my arms straight out. This helped my stiff shoulders more intensely.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 15

DAY 15 - Day 7 of YJ Challenge - A very gentle and relaxing sequence tonight. This was a very welcome practice for the end of the week, especially after the last 2 days of more challenging sequences and having a headache all day. It was short and easy with slow flowing movements. I felt extremely relaxed and would be a great sequence to do just before bed. It is so important to do slower paced and gentle sequences each week to allow the body to rest and rejuvenate. After the sequence I spent a few minutes resting in Savasana (Corpse Pose) and focused on breathing into my abdomen.

On a different note...I found a website which will allow me to teach my Yoga classes from my own home and anyone can register to take my classes from the comfort of their home. This is fantastic! I have been looking for a way to do this. I have several clients all over the USA and the world; who have said they wish they could still take my classes. Now they can! This is so exciting! More details to come soon... :-)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 14

DAY 14 - DAY 6 of YJ Challenge - The area of concentration today was Backbends. Backbends are another very essential part of a yoga sequence. We spend so much of our day bending forward while maybe sitting at a desk, driving, or doing many other things. Our posture can certainly suffer! Although they are so important, many people shy away from them for fear of the unknown or possible pain. There is no reason to fear because even the most gentle of backbends can benefit you greatly.

The sequence today really built the heat and got my heart pumping! We went through some sun salutations at first and concentrated on the cobra pose to warm up. We also did several variations of Locust and Chair Pose. I felt a little sore from yesterday's vigorous sequence, so it made today's practice a little more challenging for me. Once I was finished, I felt energized, refreshed, and invigorated! Backbends not only help balance our posture but also open the chest and allow the circulation to flow to the heart and lungs.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 13

DAY 13 - Day 5 of the YJ Challenge - Side bending today!! These are very common in every yoga sequence and for good reason! First, side bending is not something you do in your everyday life. That is why they are so important to include in a regular yoga practice. They stretch all the muscles along the side of your rib cage, spine, and pelvis. They also stimulate your kidneys and intestines. To keep a young, flexible, and healthy spine, you should move your spine in all 6 directions daily: Forward and Backward; Twist Left and Right; and Side Bend Left and Right.

I really enjoyed this sequence today and felt a bit challenged too. I loved how the Instructor, Jason Crandell, tried to include a side bend in everything we were doing. It's fun to take a basic pose and create a new variation centered around what you are focusing on that day. This makes the poses limitless and keeps yoga fun, interesting, and keeps your mind and body constantly guessing.

I'm really REALLY enjoying these new videos from YJ (Yoga Journal)! Especially since they have been focusing on specific area each day. I wonder if I will be able to access these videos after the challenge is over? I sure hope so!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a year - DAY 12

DAY 12- YJ Challenge Day 4 - The YJ sequence today was Hip Openers. One of my favorite areas to concentrate on in yoga is the hips. Hip openers are beneficial to the body in so many ways. They not only stretch the hip and thigh muscles, but they also help with back and knee pain. It is also believed that most people store their stress and emotions in this area.
I loved loved LOVED this sequence today! Hip openers feel so good to me and I enjoyed learning some new techniques and variations of some of the usual poses. Once you can really open the hips; you can get deeper into some of the standing postures too. I definitely feel less stressed and relaxed when I do these.

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 11

DAY 11 - Day 3 of YJ Challenge - One down side to not being able to pick your own yoga practice each day is if you don't feel well, or some other obstacle. Today was one of those days for me. The YJ video today was a sequence focusing mainly on the Core area. I really didn't feel up to this sequence today! I attempted it, but about half way through I ended up doing some easy stretches and resting a lot in child's pose.

This is a good reminder that with yoga you should always go at your own pace and do what feels good to you in the moment. This is one reason why I love yoga! It's not competitive and it is your own personal journey and experience that matters. As long as you are getting on "the mat" and attempting a pose, breathing, or meditation, you are taking a step towards a better body, mind, and soul. I say "the mat" because yoga can be done anywhere at anytime and it certainly does not have to be done on a mat! :) In fact most of my favorite places I have done some form of yoga; were out in nature somewhere without a mat.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 10

DAY 10 - Day 2 of YJ Challenge - Today was a little harder getting my yoga time in. During the morning I could not get Mateus to take a nap, then I left the house at 12:30pm and did not get home until 8:30pm. I was on the mat at 8:40pm.

The Yoga Journal (YJ) video today was Standing Poses with Jason Crandell. I have done his yoga videos before and I really like him. The sequence started off with a couple reclining leg stretches to warm up and prepare the legs for standing poses. Then he takes you through Warrior I and II, Extended Side Angle and Reverse, Triangle and Reverse, Half Moon and Tree. I love his detailed directions and descriptions of each pose and it is easy to follow without looking at the screen. I even learned a few verbal cues from him that I can use in my own classes. Overall, I felt very good and strong in each pose. This was a great foundation sequence for all the basic standing poses!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 9

DAY 9 - Today was the first day of the Yoga Journal 21 day Challenge! Anyone else out there doing this? I had an email in my inbox this morning with a yoga video (about 22mins in length), a meditation to try, a practice tip and a vegetarian recipe. So cool! Wish someone would do that for me everyday!

The sequence I received was for a Morning Sequence with Kate Holcombe. The challenge tip today was to make a commitment to honor your breath and begin every practice with a few moments of breath. Funny because I was just saying yesterday that I need to do this every day!

So I began with my eyes closed and observed my breathing for a few moments. I did this while I set my intention for my practice, which today was to try to flow with my breath more fluidly. The sequence was very slow and flowed in and out of a few poses like Warrior I, Downward Facing Dog, Supported Chair, and a couple reclining movements. As I was doing the video, I found myself thinking this is almost too slow. So I reminded myself to keep my "beginner's mind" and I decided to flow gracefully with the breath, be in the moment and enjoy the slower pace. This helped and I then started to really appreciate the sequence. It was actually a really nice practice to start your day off. Most people are usually stiff and tired in the morning, so it's perfect to do some awakening yoga!

I think I'm going to like this challenge! Now lets see if my husband follows through and does his yoga! ;-)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 8

DAY 8 - It's the end of the weekend and I actually feel pretty good and not too tired. Maybe the yoga? I have been sleeping better this week, even with Mateus waking up about 4-5 times during the night.

I came home from a long day of shopping and organizing our home. We just moved a few weeks ago, so we are getting a lot of things for the house. I rolled out the mat and decided to just go with the flow tonight and not follow any books or videos. Usually, I love to follow along to other people's sequences, especially as a yoga teacher. Using other resources gives me new ideas and keeps my practice interesting.

I began with a few seated stretches, then with several sun salutations, standing poses, ending with some twists and back bends. A perfect little sequence! I really concentrated on my breathing and using one breath per movement in my sun salutations. The first few were off, but then I got into my groove. I haven't done any specific pranayama (breathing) exercises yet, but will get back to doing them daily too. The breath is the foundation of a yoga practice.

Tomorrow I start with my 21 days of yoga challenge with Yoga Journal! I will have specific videos to follow each day. I even got my husband to promise to do the challenge with me! Can't wait!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 7

DAY 7- One week complete! Only 51 more to go! ;) So far getting the yoga in everyday is easy, but finding the time to write can get tricky with a baby.
I finally tried yoga with Mateus today! I followed along with the new book I got called Baby Om by Laura Staton and Sarah Perron. It's yoga geared for Mothers and Babies. It's a great book with sequences to do and explanations of what to do with your baby at the same time. Plus it gives you little yoga stretches to do to your baby.
Mateus was really good for most of it. He basically just sat and played with a toy while I was doing seated stretches and twists. I had him facing me so I could have eye contact and could talk to him. I did a couple of the leg movements for him, then did a little leg massage. It tickled him and he laughed. When it got to standing poses and sun salutations, he was too active to be picked up. I left him to play on my mat, which turned into eating my mat and rolling from back to tummy. I had to keep bending down to grab him. He was good through it all and would laugh when I tickled him, which kept him interested long enough to stay in one area.
Overall it was fun but of course a different yoga experience. It was a nice connection with my little man and good for both of souls. I will definitely enjoy doing yoga with him more often now, even its for just a few minutes here and there.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 6

DAY 6 - Happy Friday!! I hope everyone has had a great first week of the year. My week has gone by fast and so far I have found it easy to get in a daily yoga session. Of course I've had to plan accordingly and they have been short sessions.

This morning I did a very short 10 minute sequence to open the shoulders and stretch the neck. My shoulders were a little sore after yesterdays sequence which included some planks. Plus I have been lifting my little guy up in the air a lot because he thinks its so fun. :) I did this session during my son's first nap of the day with the hope that I could do some more yoga later with him. However, the afternoon quickly got away from me and I did not get around to it. Now I'm so tired and will head to bed early...hence the short post tonight. Hopefully tomorrow I can do some mommy and baby yoga from my new book!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 5

DAY 5 - Today I felt exhausted. I didn't get much sleep last night because Mateus is teething hard and had a very restless sleep. I couldn't wait to get some yoga in today so I could revive, but I wasn't able to do any until his third nap of the day.

I picked a Gentle Flow to rejuvenate my energy, but not to overdue it today. The flow involved some simple sun salutations, lunges and hip-openers. Since I am doing yoga every day, I am not worried about doing full hour or hour and a half classes. Instead I am happy to do mostly 15-30minute sequences daily, with the occasional longer class when I have the chance. It's amazing what just a few minutes of yoga a day can do. I did feel revived for awhile, but now at 7pm my energy level is dwindling again.

As I was on the Yoga Journal website today, I noticed that they are offering a 21 day Yoga Challenge! They will email you daily videos of Yoga practices, weekly meditations, practice tips and healthy recipes. You can do the challenge solo, or group as a team. Here is the link if anyone wants to join me and do this challenge!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 4

DAY 4 - While doing Yoga today, the sun poked through the blinds and penetrated straight into my body warming my heart and soul. These are the moments we yearn for daily; not only just when doing yoga, but with anything that comes along and makes us smile from the inside out. This moment today completed my yoga practise and uplifted my mood. Later I was reading my Yoga Journal magazine and came across a quote for a add, "let the sun into your heart." Perfect! My sequence today was for lower back care and core support. It incorporated similar principles to Pilates with the breathing and concentration on the core and pelvis. As we strengthen our core, we have less and less back problems. I have some work to do on this area after having a baby, but I really enjoyed this video. The instructor had a beautiful, soothing voice and she really worked the core and pelvis. Very nice!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 3

DAY 3 - As a "stay at home mom" of a 5 month old son (Mateus), I have to plan my yoga-time accordingly. This means that if I plan to do yoga at home during the day, I need to do it while my baby is napping or include my him in my practice. Today I did my yoga during his nap, but I have ordered a couple of books which are geared toward mommy and baby yoga which I should get this week. I can't wait to have this bonding time with my son by including him in my yoga! In the future he will be able to join me in his own little yoga practise! How cute! :)
Once Mateus was asleep this afternoon, I found a sequence on the yoga journal website that was geared towards back bends. I need to include more back bends in my daily practice to counteract all the bending forward I do all day when changing diapers or picking up my baby. The back bend sequence today was perfect. I even added a few more poses (shoulder stand, plough, and a spinal twist) at the end of the video. I decided that I will try to include these poses daily to help my back.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 2

Day 2! I put the baby down for a nap, hubby is building our new furniture, and I go into the spare room to do my yoga because the living room is full of boxes and furniture parts.
Today I decide to find a short sequence from I LOVE all the resources online for Yoga. Yoga Journal is Free and AWESOME! There are dozens of Yoga videos that range from 5-35 minutes.
I chose a hip opening and twist sequence. Every pose feels amazing and I feel like I want to stay in them forever. My body is loving this! I realize that I keep clenching my teeth...something that I have always had an issue with and I have to consistently remind myself to relax my jaw. I remember what I heard from a yoga instructor ages ago about putting my tongue to the roof of my mouth, which will cause your teeth to part in your mouth and relax. This works every time! The other thing I have to keep reminding myself is to elongate my shoulders away from my ears.
The sequence today really helped me to become reaquainted with my body with some basic poses. I have decided to stick with some short and beginner level classes for the first several weeks to make sure I am using my body correctly in each position. No matter what your level, or how long you have been practising yoga, you should always keep a "beginner's mind." Take your time with yoga and also with everything you do in life. It never hurts to go back to the beginning because there are always things you may have forgotten or overlooked.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 1

Here we go!! I was so excited to get back on my yoga mat today! My wonderful husband even took my son out shopping so I could have the house to myself on the first day. I pulled out the yoga mat from the closet, cleared the clutter of baby toys to create a space, and smiled as I unrolled in onto the floor. I was a little worried that the plethora of baby things would be a distraction as I practiced, but once I began I had forgotten about all the things around me.

I chose to do a sequence that I had done dozens of times while I was pregnant. It is actually geared towards pregnant women, but since I found it so relaxing and a complete body stretch during my pregnancy, I though it would be a perfect sequence to start off with. It was a 30min sequence and I was able to work out some of the kinks in my neck and back. As a new mom, my back and arms have really suffered the most from all the lifting, bending and carrying I do with my baby.

Overall the Yoga felt amazing! I was pleased at how my body fell into each pose so easily, even after months of no yoga. The challenges I found today were that my thoughts were all over the place, my balance was really off, I have a lot of work to do on my breathing and I need to create a better space for my yoga practice at home. I can't wait until tomorrow! Here is the link to the sequence I did today. I LOVE my yoga online! 100's of yoga videos to explore.

Yoga Everyday for a Year - 2012

In 2012 I pleadge to do Yoga everyday for a year; regardless of time constraints, being sick, travelling, taking care of a new baby...etc.
As a new mom of a now 5 month old, I have found it difficult to find the time for my Yoga practice. Throughout my pregnancy, I continued to do yoga as well as teach a pre-natal yoga class. However, after having my baby, I have done very little yoga at all. My body has begun to feel stiff, sore, and unbalanced.
Please follow along with me on my new yoga journey and feel free to join in too!
Peace, Love, and Light in the New Year!!