Monday, January 9, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 9

DAY 9 - Today was the first day of the Yoga Journal 21 day Challenge! Anyone else out there doing this? I had an email in my inbox this morning with a yoga video (about 22mins in length), a meditation to try, a practice tip and a vegetarian recipe. So cool! Wish someone would do that for me everyday!

The sequence I received was for a Morning Sequence with Kate Holcombe. The challenge tip today was to make a commitment to honor your breath and begin every practice with a few moments of breath. Funny because I was just saying yesterday that I need to do this every day!

So I began with my eyes closed and observed my breathing for a few moments. I did this while I set my intention for my practice, which today was to try to flow with my breath more fluidly. The sequence was very slow and flowed in and out of a few poses like Warrior I, Downward Facing Dog, Supported Chair, and a couple reclining movements. As I was doing the video, I found myself thinking this is almost too slow. So I reminded myself to keep my "beginner's mind" and I decided to flow gracefully with the breath, be in the moment and enjoy the slower pace. This helped and I then started to really appreciate the sequence. It was actually a really nice practice to start your day off. Most people are usually stiff and tired in the morning, so it's perfect to do some awakening yoga!

I think I'm going to like this challenge! Now lets see if my husband follows through and does his yoga! ;-)

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