Sunday, January 8, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 8

DAY 8 - It's the end of the weekend and I actually feel pretty good and not too tired. Maybe the yoga? I have been sleeping better this week, even with Mateus waking up about 4-5 times during the night.

I came home from a long day of shopping and organizing our home. We just moved a few weeks ago, so we are getting a lot of things for the house. I rolled out the mat and decided to just go with the flow tonight and not follow any books or videos. Usually, I love to follow along to other people's sequences, especially as a yoga teacher. Using other resources gives me new ideas and keeps my practice interesting.

I began with a few seated stretches, then with several sun salutations, standing poses, ending with some twists and back bends. A perfect little sequence! I really concentrated on my breathing and using one breath per movement in my sun salutations. The first few were off, but then I got into my groove. I haven't done any specific pranayama (breathing) exercises yet, but will get back to doing them daily too. The breath is the foundation of a yoga practice.

Tomorrow I start with my 21 days of yoga challenge with Yoga Journal! I will have specific videos to follow each day. I even got my husband to promise to do the challenge with me! Can't wait!

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