Friday, March 30, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 89

DAY 89 - Another beautiful afternoon of yoga. I did several sun salutations, then rested in savasana for longer than usual. Listening to my breath and feeling the breeze gently flow over me, was enough to take me away.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 88

DAY 88 - I may not have had a long practice today, but it was perfect. I got to be out in my outside yoga space (see photo below). As you can see, it is such a beautiful and peaceful place to sit and do yoga. I wasn't sure how much time I would have today, so my theme was to take it slow. I only did a few asana, but I moved in and out of each one very slowly and took my time once I was there. The birds singing in the background is always a bonus!

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 87

DAY 87 - I've been wanting to do a longer Asana practice, but the last few days I haven't been able to find the right time. Today was the same... my son's naps have been short lately and my husband had a soccer game this evening. I knew I might not have much time today, so throughout the day I did a pose here and a pose there when the mood struck me. Sometimes this can be beneficial to help you cruise through your day without stress and it can provide you with multiple "mini" escapes from the day. Maybe tomorrow I will have a longer stretch of time?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 86

DAY 86 - A gentle sequence tonight with mainly forward bending poses to ease my mind and relax me. Before this, I sat with my eyes closed and holding my sleeping son. Holding him while he is sleeping and before I put him in bed; is probably the most calming part of my day. I love this moment of stillness, love, and the connection we share during this time.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 85

DAY 85 - Twist and Detox! This was the sequence I chose today from Yoga Journal. I was hoping to get a good afternoon practice in today. I had to keep stopping and starting again because my son had a very short nap, then was extremely grumpy from cutting 4 teeth and wouldn't let me do my yoga very easily. Oh well, it was just one of those days...que sera sera!

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 84

DAY 84 - I have Ulcerative Colitis and yoga has often helped relieve me of my symptoms time and time again. My stomach was bothering me a little the last couple of days, so I did a restorative sequence that I put together years ago which always helps with my colitis. If I do this sequence daily, I always see good results. I need to at least remember to include a few key poses each day: Supported Bridge, Shoulderstand, and Lord of the Fishes Twist.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 83

DAY 83 - Just a quick meditation tonight. As I sat trying to think of a peaceful and beautiful image, thoughts of New Zealand kept entering my mind. It was like a slide show of photos in my mind of this magic country I had lived in for over 3 years. The images that came to mind the most was of "the mount." This is where I spent so much of my time walking, sitting, doing yoga, meditating, enjoying the beach and ocean, having coffee, and most importantly visiting with all my amazing friends I had there. I felt a longing to be there. I felt that slight pain of sadness or missing something in my heart. But then I smiled because it was a part of me that would be engraved in my soul forever. I had so many wonderful memories there and made long lasting friendships. I even met my husband there! I then also smiled even bigger because I know that I will be there again someday soon and my husband and I can share it with our son. Thank you New Zealand and to all my friends there for creating such a special memory and safe place for me to go to in my mind when I need you.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 82

DAY 82 - A beautiful evening practice listening to the rain and feeling the cool breeze fill the house. I concentrated on a few balancing poses tonight and practiced using points of focus to gaze at throughout my sequence. When you use these points of focus, it not only helps you balance, but also helps keep your mind present.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 81

DAY 81 - Yoga in the park today! Spring is blooming in full force, so I have been trying to get out walking with Mateus as often as possible. The weather, the flowers, and the atmosphere is absolutely stunning! Dayton has tons and tons of parks, walking/biking trails, and nature areas, which I love! So as I was enjoying a morning walk today in one of the parks, Mateus fell asleep, and I felt the urge to do some yoga in the park. I found a shady spot, did a few poses in the grass, some while using the support of the stroller or picnic table, and then sat with my eyes closed until Mateus woke up. It was so peaceful and beautiful listening to the birds, the frogs and the breeze through the trees. The sweet perfume of the flowers and clean Spring air entered my body with each inhale, and the stale Winter air was released with each exhale. Welcome Spring!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 80

DAY 80! - My family left today, so I needed a quick pick-me-up sequence to get my blood pumping during my son's afternoon nap. I picked a 15 min Kundalini class called Enliven Yourself. This sequence got me moving and revived my body! These types of Kundalini classes are always fun, get your heart pumping, and can be done by anyone.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 79

DAY 79 - My body is feeling really good from all the yoga! I haven't had the aches and pains in my back and neck that I was getting before. Maybe from the yoga? The last several days I have chosen to do my own sequence and mainly just went with what has felt good at the time. Sometimes I enjoy doing this and sometimes I enjoy following a video or instructor. Being experienced in yoga allows you to choose, which can be really nice to be creative and playful with your yoga. Tonight I chose to do some restorative poses to relax after another busy day with my family. Short, but a sweet surrender to the body and breath!

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 78

DAY 78 - With family in town, my days are long and busy. Tonight I was ready to rest and relax! Just before bed, I laid in legs up the wall pose and did some deep breathing. Then it was off to dreamland.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year-DAY 77

DAY 77 - Yoga on the porch this morning! It was so amazing last night under the stars, so I took the opportunity this morning to do yoga outside again. The sun was still low in the sky, and there was a beautiful breeze. I did a strong and energizing sequence, which felt amazing. What a way to start the day!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 76

DAY 76- Yoga under the stars!! I had a magical yoga session outside tonight on my back deck. The weather was perfect! There was a very slight cool breeze and a beautiful clear night sky, allowing me to see all the stars. This was probably my favorite yoga moment so far this year. I would have liked to stay out there for hours and hours; breathing in the cool, fresh air, gazing at the stars, and smiling into the night. As I was out there, I was reminded of when I used to teach a yoga class in New Zealand at 6am up "the Mount." When we met at the bottom it was dark. As we got to the top and started to do our yoga, the sun would begin to rise. What an unforgettable class!

The yoga felt so amazing tonight too! Earlier today I played a little soccer with my husband and slightly pulled my quad muscle. I was able to really stretch this muscle in a variety of ways, which helped my leg feel much better after. I feel so refreshed and ready for bed now. I can't wait to do this again!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 75

DAY 75 - Happy Birthday to me! After a really fun and looong day with my family, I did a quick evening flow. I had all the windows open in my room to let in the cool breeze and sweet smell of outside. This restored peace to my mind and soothed my tired body. Inhale. Exhale.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 74

DAY 74 - This afternoon I had two choices, nap while my son is sleeping since I didn't have much sleep last night, or do yoga to energize myself to help get me through the rest of the day. I had a a lot to do this evening, so I chose YOGA!! :) It worked! I did a few sun salutations, then some energizing standing and balance poses, followed with pigeon, a standing twist and several side-bends. I felt great after and was able to cruise through my afternoon easily. Oh the power of yoga!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 73

DAY 73 - The weather has just been fantastic! Clear blue skies, gentle breeze, and in the 70's. Just perfect! We have opened all the windows up in the house to let in all the fresh air. I love Spring! So today while my son was napping I was able to do an afternoon yoga practice. My mat was facing out my back porch so I could see the trees and watch the birds. I chose a yoga sequence from my Yoga Journal. The article was "5 twists to Bring Your Body Into Balance." I warmed up with several sun salutations, then did the twists recommended in the article. Three of them I had never seen before and were quite challenging. I love playing with new and challenging positions, which keeps me motivated and pushes me to a deeper level. When doing these, I had to slow down and be mindful of what I am doing in each position. This helps me develop my patience on and off the mat.

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 72

DAY 72 - If I have a busy day, or just don't get around to my yoga during the day; I really look forward to surrendering to my yoga practice at night. My evening didn't quite go like I had planned....being so tired and I burned my husbands dinner! I attempted doing some yoga asana in my room after my son was asleep, but I just wasn't feeling it. I decided to lay next to my sleeping son instead and watched his breathing and try to breath with him. Babies breath fully from their belly. As we grow and acquire stress, we start to breath more shallow and quicker, which in turn causes more stress. If we slow down our breathing, then we will calm our mind and promote relaxation. As I laid with him, I smelled his hair, took longer breaths, and was "present" with him in this precious moment. What a beautiful way to practice my yoga tonight!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 71

DAY 71 - Today was a day of rest for me. These days are so important for me as a stay at home mom. I need to take little bits of time here and there to rest my mind and my body. Those who have children know what I mean; and especially the ones who stay at home. When you are looking after a child all day, your mind and body need to stay alert 110% of the time. Although it is the best job in the world and so much fun, it can be so draining on your energy!

So tonight after my son was asleep, I sat in his room, closed my eyes, and did a meditation of gratitude towards my health and body, and to all my loved ones. After this I laid down on the floor for a 5 minute Savasana to deepen my relaxation.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 70

DAY 70 - Yoga with the husband! I finally got Roberto to do some yoga with me tonight! He is good at coming up with excuses not to do We had such beautiful weather today and made it to the park to walk and play some soccer. So this evening, I asked him if he would do some yoga with me to help relax and stretch our muscles. I was proud of him to say "Yes, ok!"

We did a short 20 minute seated sequence to promote relaxation. I showed him how to use blocks for support and when you can't fully go in to a position. He seemed to like that you can use props. So many people don't realize that you can use support and that you don't have to look exactly like the instructor or the person next to you. We all look different in yoga, and we all have different levels of ability and flexibility. What's important is that we are doing it correctly and we are listening to our own body's abilities. I hope I didn't scare him away and that he will continue doing yoga with me several times a week! Good job my love! ;-)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Yoga Everyday for aYear - DAY 69

DAY 69 - I've started to run again, so I chose a Yoga for Runners sequence tonight. It was very basic and short; with a 5 minute relaxation. It was a good warm up or cool down for a run, but I would have liked it to include more hip opening poses. None the less, the yoga felt exceptionally good tonight!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 68

DAY 68 - Happy Friday!! Tonight I tried a candle gazing meditation. You can use any object for this type of meditation, but I chose a candle. I also put on some soft music to drown out any house sounds. I sat in a dark room and closed my eyes to center and clear my mind. My mind didn't want to stay very still and I kept thinking about what am I going to write for my blog! After a couple minutes of bringing my focus back to center, I opened my eyes and started to stare at the candle. It was really beautiful and the flame seemed to dance with the music. Using the flame as a focal point really helped me keep my mind free and clear. After several minutes of watching the flame dance, I closed my eyes again. The image of flame and outline of the candle where now burned in to my closed eye view. I now had a focal point while my eyes where closed! As time went on, I stayed focused on the colors. The colors kept changing, and finally the image of the flame went black, then disappeared. Once it was gone, I opened my eyes and took a few deep breaths and finished. As someone who finds it hard to stay focused when meditation, this was a great way to help me sweep other thoughts aside and just be present.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 67

DAY 67 - This is the month of the beginning of Spring! The weather is changing, and so are our bodies. It is time to detox and cleanse ourselves of everything that has built up during the Winter months. Like Spring, our mind and bodies are rejevenated with new energy and life.

Over the next couple of months I will be picking yoga sequences that help renew and detoxify the body. Today I chose a class called, Yin Yoga for Spring: "To restore balance after winter and begin your spring cleanse, these Yin poses channel liver chi through the inner legs and gallbladder chi through the outer leg meridians." We did some deep hip opening poses to achieve this cleansing. My hips felt so stiff at first, but after the class they felt open and free. I look forward to more of these types of classes over the next several weeks!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 66

DAY 66 - My body, mind, and soul are tired today. Shoulderstand, Plough, and Legs up the wall pose...night night.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - Day 65

DAY 65 - Due to the beautiful weather, I had an active day of a run this morning, an afternoon walk with Mateus in the stroller, then a volleyball tournament in the evening. All this activity was great, but wore me out! I just took it slow this evening with a few seated posed to relax and unwind... I love these days where I can do exercise all day!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 64

DAY 64 - It was a Downward Facing Dog evening for me! I felt like doing a lot of them tonight and did one in between just about every pose. Each time I tried to focus on a different area of my body and experimented with how I felt each time. It's fun to take a pose and really play with it and to see what you can come up with. It's such a great all around pose that strengthens and stretches the whole body at the same time. It's a good one to practice over and over again too because although it might look easy; it is commonly done wrong. What I discovered tonight is that I still love doing Down Dog and always will! Woof!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 63

DAY 63 - I tried an Intermediate sequence today. It was short, but challenging! I am reminded how much I still need to work at getting back into my pre-pregnancy shape, or not really "shape" but the strength that I had. Doing this sequence gave me the perspective I needed on my current practice and to know that I am ready to "step it up a notch." Especially since I am going to start teaching again soon, so I want to be ready.

The sequence today was a little difficult, but fun! If you have been doing yoga for a while give it a go! It's a FREE class! There is a forearm handstand (I had to use a wall), a standing one leg balance (I did OK), wild thing (I fell over and hit my son's, and a very challenging variation in side-plank. Good Fun!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 62

DAY 62 - Baby is asleep, my husband is at soccer, and there is a peaceful stillness throughout the house. It's Yoga Time! I can hear the Brazilian lullaby in the background, which makes lovely yoga music too. As I sit with my eyes closed, I am reminded of how fortunate I am to have such a wonderful life. I have an amazing husband and a beautiful baby boy, the best family anyone could ask for, so many caring friends all over the world, and a strong healthy body and mind. Yes I am truly blessed! As I continued with my yoga tonight, I radiated with gratitude, appreciation, and love for all. Thank you to everyone who has entered my life in a positive way and wishing you all the best the universe has to offer you. Namaste

“For each new morning with its light,For rest and shelter of the night,For health and food, for love and friends,For everything Thy goodness sends.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, March 2, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 61

DAY 61 - Happy Friday!! I was actually hoping to get out and do some stroller yoga again today because I enjoyed it so much, but we had thunderstorms this afternoon. Instead I did a sequence called, Postnatal Yoga for Busy New Moms. I really like this instructor and I did her pregnancy videos when I was pregnant. Her pregnancy sequence became my favorite toward the 2nd and 3rd trimester of my pregnancy and I did it almost every day! I even used a version of it when I taught a prenatal yoga class. Anyway, the postnatal class was really nice too! I wish I had started doing this right away after I had my son, but it took me several months to get back on my mat. The sequence today was slow and steady and was a great way to get a new mom back into yoga. It has a good focus on the abdominal, which is so important after having a baby.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 60

DAY 60 - Stroller Yoga!! Today was another nice day outside, especially for the 1st of March! We have had such a warm Winter this year. I really wanted to get outside this afternoon and walk with Mateus since it was so nice. I didn't have a chance to do yoga this morning during his first nap, so I decided to combine the walk with some yoga too. Basically I would walk or jog a few minutes, then stop and do a few yoga poses, then continue. Sometimes I would use the handle for support in various balancing or standing poses.
What a great idea and it was so much fun! Mateus actually feel asleep after the first 5 minutes, and woke about 40 minutes later. At least with him sleeping, I could stop often and do some poses without him getting fussy. I loved combining the walk with yoga! I am all about yoga in nature. When I taught in New Zealand, we did yoga on the beach and a class where we would hike up a mountain and do yoga on the top. You always felt amazing after! I had a similar feeling today after my stroller yoga session. I was buzzing with energy after and could feel myself glowing! I am definitely going to start a Stroller Yoga class with some other moms!