Monday, February 20, 2012

Yoga Everyday for a Year - DAY 50

DAY 50!!! Wow, I have made it to 50 days already! Time is going so fast! I'm really enjoying getting to include yoga in my daily life again. It's funny because before I became pregnant, I was teaching 8 yoga classes during 6 days a week. Yoga was a huge part of my life! Also during my pregnancy, I was still able to fit yoga in most days and even teach a pre-natal yoga class. However, since I had my son, I was finding it so challenging to get my daily dose of yoga. This "Yoga Everyday for a Year" challenge was to prove to myself that I could still manage doing yoga daily, no matter what and no matter how little I did each day.

Being a mom doesn't mean I need to stop doing all the things I love, but that I need to modify them a bit at times. Some of my best yoga moments are when I include my son in my yoga practice. I actually do this quite a bit, even when I don't write about it. Mateus love to play "airplane" so I get a great ab workout in a modified Boat Pose with him on my legs. My arms are also getting so strong from throwing him up and down in the air (he LOVES this!). And his most favorite activity is trying to walk. So while holding his hands and letting him walk around, I bring the awareness to my breath and body so I don't get too tired. I bend my legs and try to keep a straight back as I do this. Later after all this fun for him and a workout for me, I sit and stretch a little on the floor while he plays. All this happens almost daily!

So it is my 50th day today! I started off this morning with some warm-up sun salutations and a few basic floor poses. I knew I would be running later, so I made sure to stretch my hamstrings and hips good. After my run, I did a few more downward facing dogs, pigeon, and seated leg stretches at the gym. Now I'm at home and my son is still taking a nice long nap, so I am going to do a couple balancing poses and a meditation until he wakes up. Yoga I love you!!

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